
Hello and welcome to my blog! Join me as I post to explore the dynamic between water and food in Africa.  Africa is a vast terrestrial space with an area of over 61 mil km 2 , hugely diverse in its physical ad social landscapes. As a result I will sadly not be able to explore water and agriculture across the whole continent. I will instead seek to understand a selection of issues and case studies relating to human responses to increased water demands, the changing environment, and the associated nexus  (Allan 2012) of water, food and trade through a human ecological lens. A taste of what’s to come… Figure 1 - Source:  Geofile   My posts will focus on the Sahel region (see figure 1) as a region of high aridity and highly variable precipitation events largely associated with its position under the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)  (Lucio et al. 2011) . This has contributed to high numbers of the Sahel population facing food insecurity a...